ha giang lao xa lady and child ha giang lao xa lady and child

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ha giang
Lao Xa Village

Sights - Lao Xa Village

There are many classic and historic buildings up to 100 years old in the village. The village is also known for making silver jewelry - as its popularly worn by both men and women. Hmong men typically wear a silver one-piece ring around their necks.

This village is right on the border with China, so many of the older villagers speak good Chinese. In older times the border was quite open and locals often worked in China and returned to Vietnam after typically 2-3 years.

The local landscape is not suitable for growing rice - only corn, so life for these people is quite hard especially with the open village border now being closed.

School visit

If we are there at the right time in the afternoon we may meet some local children from the school and swap stories about ways of life. The children are warm and friendly and can say hello in English but not much else. Translating is required!

ha giang lao xa village ha giang lao xa village

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You can just make out the houses in the rocky landscape of Lao Xa. The village is really quite small.
ha giang lao xa school ha giang lao xa school

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We make a trip to the local school to see some of the children there. They warmly welcome visitors in this remote village
ha giang lao xa lady carrying ha giang lao xa lady carrying

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Two young ladies carrying grasses collected locally to feed their animals (there is a young lady behind the first).