ha giang river cruise side ha giang river cruise side

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ha giang
Nho Que river cruise

Nho Que river cruise

This boating adventure though the Tu San Canyon is spectacular. The height of the canyon is truly jaw dropping. The emerald green river is usually calm and flat making for a smooth journey. The boats themselves are small, only carrying up to 15 people.

There is a 2km walk (there is an electric minicart option to speed things up if desired) from Sim Cai to the boat terminal. The boat tour lasts some 45 minutes, long enough to get us to very near the Chinese border passing though the incredible canyon. The sides of the canon towering above you - indescribable. There is a pause as points of the trip to take photos. From here, if you look up you can also see part of the Skypath.


As we are near the Chinese border, please no jumping off the boat or activities of that nature. Swimming in the river is also prohibited.

ha giang nho que boat terminal ha giang nho que boat terminal

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This is the boat terminal at Sim Cai. Boats carry up to 10 people and start and end here.
ha giang nho que poser ha giang nho que poser

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Taken at the start of the cruise and the views are already stunning. The front of the boat is where people like to take photos.